Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hello early readers!

Hello all!

James and I are getting all our plans finalized and I've committed to keeping a blog diary of our adventures while we're in AU, so here I am. I got all signed up today (even though we don't leave until July) and will keep this updated as things relevant to our trip come up. Keep checking up on us, especially once we're on our way. I've promised daily updates and photos so everyone can see what we're up to and be jealous!!

For those of you who I haven't talked to in a while and need an update:

James will be attending the University of Melbourne's 2nd semester through the Study Abroad program at the University of Idaho. He's majoring in Anthropology with a minor in Natural Resources. He will be able to take some pretty interesting classes while we're there so I'll let everyone know when he's all signed up. We will be leaving July 10th and be returning to the States December 7th. I'm particularly looking forward to the 14 hr plane ride... lol. Cavan & James will be celebrating their birthdays the day we leave. Cavan's turning a big fat five! Declan just turned two on May 1st.

We're currently on the search for a place to live during our trip. It turns out we have to rent a private apartment. The University has no family housing options so hopefully we'll get something settled before we leave. If not we will be living in a hotel until we find a place. Melbourne is a big city though and there are some amazing places to live. It's a little unsettling not having a house secured but I'm sure we won't have any problems.

For now, James just wrapped up the semester yesterday with his last final. I'm working for Dr. Fred here in Pullman and have been lucky enough to be able to return next Jan. Now that James is done with school he gets to hang with the boys full time. Lucky duck.

My little brother is getting married in 14 days!! I'm excited for Joe & Cayla. The wedding is going to be tons of fun, and Joe couldn't have found a better girl. Cayla and I actually get to work together and she's an amazing mother and friend! It's coming up soon and I have to admit I'm thankful that all the wedding planning is keeping us busy because it keeps my mind off waiting for our trip!

Little tidbit about Ciara (my younger sister)- She's going to Guam for a large chunk of the summer! I would say I'm jealous but then people give me dirty looks. I'm excited for her too. It's going to be an awesome adventure for her and I'm sure she'll come home with some great stories and experiences.

I know I can speak for James and the boys when I say we are CRAZY excited about our trip. Well, Declan likes planes so I think he will be excited when we're traveling at least :)

I'm going to do my best to photo journal our trip but since we've yet to leave, I'll end this with a picture of Cavan I took today because it cracks me up. Cambria and Cavan got a hold of the hose and about a 5 foot patch of dirt. Crazy kid... but being a photographer means running to grab your camera before cleaning them off :)

56 days and counting until we leave.