Saturday, October 23, 2010

What it's really about

Ok, Ok, I know 13 days is not even close to quick... but this one's worth the wait.

These photos are really what this whole trip is about. It's about us. James, Cavan, Declan & I on the trip of a lifetime, learning together, growing closer and experiencing this amazing city as a family. I will always cherish the time we spent here, early morning fire alarms and all ;) I'll never forget the way Cav, Dec & I traipse all over the city in search of parks & playgrounds and small discoveries, little nooks & corners of awesome-ness. That we can stop on any block for a latte & 2 babyccinos and have 30 minutes of giggles & enjoy has become a comfort ritual for us.

I haven't nearly shared as much as I'd like to with you all and at the moment I'm telling myself that I will do better this last stretch of our time here. I tell myself that it's better to keep up with them here & be organized with all the photos we've taken. The importance of getting all our stories down in writing before we forget. I honestly don't know if it will happen though. we will see :) hehe our photos from our trip to Maui in March are still waiting patiently for me to get to them...
so yeah,
The only thing cuter than a 5 year old in his Batman suit, is his two year old brother in that same batman suit.

and we adore the beach culture here. Very vintage boardwalk classic. Every chance we get we take the 15 min tram ride to the beaches. We were lucky enough to spend the afternoon a few weeks ago with a photographer friend who took family photos for us. It felt amazing to be able to set the camera down for a bit.
The first two photos are mine. The rest were taken by the fabulous Dani. :)


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Victoria Market Photo Shoot!

Went on an Orange and Red themed photo shoot with about 20 other photo enthusiasts. it was fun but also kind of a challenge! Here's a few of my favorites. I was really working on texture & depth for my shots. These were all taken at the Queen Victoria Market.

P.S. I've got a bunch of stuff to put up so check back soon! Sorry I've been slacking!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Photos of our apartment building!

Here are some photos of our apartment building. The last three were taken by our friend Ria on her iPhone & she was nice enough to send them to me :) Thanks Ria!

The first 3 are of our building. You can see the red & black UniLodge sign on the left. Our entrance is where the NAB sign is. The 1st photo is the first 11 floors of our building, there are three more stories. You can also see Nandos on the bottom right corner.The 4th is the right side of our block. That's Melbourne Central Station (Yep :) we live 100ft from an underground train station, it's built like a mall going 4 stories up and then you just take a series of escalators down into the actaul train station) The 5th is across the street on the lawn of the Victoria State Library. These were taken back in July when it was COLD. Now that it's getting nicer there are more people out every day!

Lastly the ones from Wed night. The fire-truck in front of our building. Us at Hungry Jacks and yeah Declan fell asleep at soon as they got outside and continued to sleep through the whole thing.