Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holidays away from home.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving for all of us Americans here in Oz. Happy Thanksgiving for all of you at home today!
A few of our friends celebrated the traditional turkey dinner way. We had curry rice :) it was fun though to see how many of the Americans were holding true to traditions in a country that had no idea what we were talking about. I was also pleasantly surprise at a few of our non-american friends enthusiasm for Turkey Day! Everyone we knew were making trips to Costco. I've heard it's the place to go for comfort level pumpkin pie!

It was rainy but warm, and didn't feel anything like Thanksgiving. Seriously, who wants to cook all day over a stove & next to an oven when it's 80 degrees out!?! it also doesn't feel like Christmas is coming. I see signs of it popping up all over the city. TV commercials are the same here as they are at home. But it just doesn't feel like Christmas. Maybe it will once we're home & shivering!!

I've heard the New Years tradition here is to have a beach party :) I'm kind of sad we're going to miss that one.

Speaking of traditions, being Thankful was the order of the day so here are a few things we're thankful for:

James- so thankful for all the support we've had from our families while on our trip. For the experiences he's had & the friends he's made. He's also thankful for the prices and quality of beer available in the US cause it's expensive here and hit or miss with the quality!

Cavan- is thankful for the stories we've been reading from the library. also for all the playing we've been doing. He's thankful for trams and the beach! and babyccinos, and the ratty deck of cards Neal gave him as he was headed back home to the US. Neal if you read this Cavan worships you & Robbie :)

Declan-is thankful for the number 6 (although when he held his fingers up it was only 4). He is also thankful for "Behntehn" (ben 10), "Niimo" (Nemo) and eating. or so he says.

I am thankful for almost to many things to list. The whole experience/opportunity to live halfway around the world. The incredible people we've met and befriended. Our home & neighbors for the past 5 months. Mostly though I am thankful for James, Cavan & Declan. They've made everything about this trip wonderful, and amazing and exciting, I thank my lucky stars everyday for them :)

11 days and counting. We're busy doing and seeing everything we can before we come home. I am excited to see everyone at home and to share our stories but am truly sad to leave. Hopefully James' school will bring us back for a few more years. We've decided that we love it here and will miss the life we've made.

Love you all and see you soon!

By the way, this is about as "Christmas Cheer" as we've seen so far. I took this a few days ago and it was about 90 Degrees...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My little friend!

My sweet friend Mari (fellow photographer & American Expat) helped me out with a photo shoot yesterday and got this super sweet shot of me with little Miss R. She was nice enough to share it with me! You can see a sneak peak I put up for the family on my photography blog as well as some of the other work I have been doing while here. Like this travel blog, it's a bit behind so check up on it often!

For those of you who haven't seen my official photography blog it's here:

It's a work in progress, I am doing all the designing and fun stuff myself, whew it's hard! As most of you know I have been working really hard for the past year getting ready to work as a photographer. So I am super excited to share my work with you all! Hope you like it, and if you do go leave me some blog love!!!!

If you don't I will toilet paper your house ;) yeah, you...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Brotherly Love

My favorite thing about this whole trip is how much time we get to spend together. Even if it seems like we are crazy busy, we still spend the majority of every day together. The boys especially have become super close, always playing little games that make no sense to us but fit perfectly for them, it's like they have their own language. James caught them today like this :)

The boys also have the funniest habit of getting out of bed & falling asleep in random places while we are watching TV. Usually they sneak into our bedroom where we will find them on our bed or the floor. The other day we got up from the couch ready to head to bed and we found this! hehe somehow he got into the fridge to get his water bottle, left the fridge cracked open and fell asleep next to us and we had NO idea! This might become my favorite story about the trip :D