Well I finally feel like we are settling into our new life here. The Uni is just over a mile's walk from our apartment and depending on the day James hoofs it once or twice a day. He doesn't start until at least 10 and finishes usually around 4 and one day until 6pm. He's taking 4 courses, 3 anthropology and 1 natural resource. He had his first assignment due today. A photo (I took) depicting a "natural environment" and a description of how he views that particular environment.
Awesome, yeah? (that's my aussie accent btw)
The boys and I have also settled into a routine at home. Breakfast followed by 1/2 hr of Bananas in Pajamas. Then Cavan works on schoolwork, while Declan does "skoool" next to him in a coloring book. Pick up the apartment. Lunch. Playground. That's my favorite time of the day. We head out to various playgrounds and the local library. Thursdays are story-time which we attended the first time today. The boys loved it and we plan on making it a weekly occurrence. There is so much to do and see here that the boys and I have been mapping them out and will try to do everything at least once before we start repeating things. There are two great play areas within 4 blocks of our apartment though just in case. (both playgrounds are approximately 1 mi). Then home again for dinner. I've been cooking.
Yeah, wanted to give some of you who are familiar with my cooking expertise a chance to recover :) Seriously though James is an amazing cook, WHY would I learn? But I'm learning now and finding that cooking is fun and easy. I LOVE that we can walk 3 blocks to the market and get fresh local everything for the next few meals.
After dinner we settle in for some good ol Aussie TV. Master Chef has been rocking our world for two weeks and the Season Finale was Sunday. Adam, the winner, is an AMAZING chef and hopes to have a restaurant open in Sydney by Nov. It's sad that we wouldn't be able to attend, but the host of the show owns an amazing place called Quay here in the docklands of Melbourne City. The runner up Callum will be moving to Melbourne and cooking at Quay until December. Maybe we will get a chance to go.. (wink wink, ahem, James).
The other show I feel really warrants a mention is The Farmer Wants a Wife! lol 6 farmers from the most isolated places in AU have each chosen 6 possible partners to meet. Yesterday they limited it to three, and those three will be moving to the respective farms in the Aussie version of the Bachelor! I LOVE it! There are good old croppers, ranchers, a pearl farmer, a WOMAN! and a drover (cattle driver) Seriously great TV. Oh yeah and a new Skins season starts this weekend Tiff!!!
I have started watching Master Chef here in the US it is good. I am glad that you are having a good time. See ya soon!